Wednesday, July 1, 2015

The L Word

I met someone recently, on OKCupid. He initiated contact by sending me a message that caught my interest.
I have to ask what other dorky things are you into. And brown coats or are you a purple belly.
That was Friday (today is Tuesday, or it was when we had our first date, anyway). We've been texting almost nonstop since then and today we got together for a movie date.
Before the movie we had time to kill so we walked around the mall near the theater and walked into a video game store to browse. He picked up a few games and told me about them. Then I picked up The Testament of Sherlock Holmes in the Xbox section. I showed him and expressed excitement about it then put it back on the shelf. Just a minute later he decided to buy it for me! A few minutes after leaving the game store I told him that I've got an Xbox but need a new power supply - so he offered to go back and get one! I would let him. Instead we sat and talked until time to go to our movie.
He took me to Jurassic World (starring Chris Pratt <3). We cuddled the whole time and he even kissed me, and bit my neck and ear a few times!
After the movie we decided to grab something to eat and ended up at Denny's. The french toast is SO YUMMY. I drew tiger stripes on the milkshake picture on the placemat because neither side was a blank canvas. B stared at me while I ate and we a good, long conversation.
After dinner we drove around and he took us to a secluded place to park. We kissed and fooled around a little then went on a walk to find a darker place to do the dirty. It was so romantic how he supported my head and back with his hands as he lowered me to the ground. He has really firm biceps! I won't go into too much detail on this blog but my time on the ground with him and every other moment with him was immensely enjoyable.
Between dinner and grass stains he externally battled with a thought in his head that he wanted to say but was sure it would freak me out, scare me off. I convinced him that I wasn't going anywhere and that I wanted to know what was on his mind. Several minutes later he said "I love you". I was shocked and aroused. I told him that I didn't want to say it back until I knew for sure I wouldn't regret it.
He's still worried that he freaked me out, despite much assurance from me that I'm not.

I really like this man.

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